Saturday, January 23, 2016

(Hallo!) برنامج أندرويد يذكرك بالتواصل بجهات إتصالاتك

مرحبا جميعا، اعتدت على اللوم الكثير من العائلة والأصدقاء لعدم اتصالي في كثير من الأحيان ولكن بعد الانتهاء من جميع الأعذار ألاحظ أني مشغول في هذه الحياة وببساطة أن أنسى، وعلاوة على ذلك في هذا العالم الكبير مع الكثير من الأشخاص من الصعب أن نتذكر من اتصلت به مؤخرا والذي لم اتواصل منذ سنة على سبيل المثال.

ولد تطبيق اندرويد من هذا (!Hallo ) ما زال في سن مبكرة مع واجهة وظائف بسيطة  لكنه يكبر :)

أول ما تراه في التطبيق عند فتحه هو قوائم (Lists) جهات الاتصال حيث يمكنك اختيار جهات الاتصال الخاصة بك على أساس تكرار الاتصال على سبيل المثال أود أن أتصل بوالدي بشكل يومي لذلك انشأت قائمة للأسرة، وأضفته عليها.

ثم قمت بتعيين فترات الإخطار يوميا أو كل أسبوعين أو مدة  تصل الى عام لكل قائمة. من إعدادات التطبيق يمكن تحديد وقت الإخطار المفضل ونغمته
Hallo يأتي بنسختين:
مجانية (Free ) بقوائم محدوة إلى 3 ومع إعلانات (تحميل من جوجل بلاي)
المميزة (Premium ) مع قوائم غير محدود وبدون إعلانات. ( تحميل من جوجل بلاي)

تنبيه القائمة
اعدادات التنبيه

(Hallo!) an android app that remind you to call contacts

Hallo everyone, I used to get blamed a lot from family and friends for not calling them so often but after all excuses get finished I notice that I get busy in this life and simply I forget, moreover in such big world with so many contacts its difficult to remember who you called recently and who you did not call in a year for example.

An android app was born from this demand (Hallo!) its still in early ages with simple interface and functionality but it will grow up :)

first thing you see in the app when you open is your lists of contacts where you pick your contacts based on contact frequencies for example I would call Mam and Dad on daily bases so I created family list and added them to it.
Then you set the notification periods daliy. bi weekly and so-forth up to a year for each list, from the app settings you can then set your preferred notification time and tone.

Hallo! comes in two editions:
free limited to 3 lists and with ads (Google Play)
premium with unlimited lists and without ads. (Google Play)

Notification settings
Main menu lists
List notification frequency

Sunday, December 27, 2015

How to enable Remote Desktop remotely through registry

How many times you tried that remote desktop and it fail, you are sure remote desktop is enabled; yet you can ping it but cant login remotely.

It happen to all of us. For example if you dis-joined a computer from the domain remote desktop get reset to default setting (disabled state).

Thank God that we have alternative way to enabled it back remotely; through Registry :)


  1. Network connection to desired computer.
  2. Remote registry service enabled.
  3. Administrators privilege.
  1. From another computer open registry (regedit.exe) from cmd or run with administrator privilege.
  2. From your registry console choose File > connect network registry then type your desired destination computer.
  3. Navigate to below registry key and change the REG_DWORD key "fDenyTSConnections" value to {1} to Disable it.
 HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server

Happy solving! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Facebook security and privacy

No doubt that today's challenges are greater than before specially when everything become online and published our personal info, photos, location, etc.

With more evil people around us and focusing on how to use us for their own benefits. is currently the most famous social network website according to with more than 900,000,000 unique monthly visitors and 1.5 billion users according to so facebook is the #1 risk in our online presence and need quite good attention to our privacy and security.

a simple start is privacy checker from your home page to easily control your privacy in

  • In your home page when you first login to facebook click on your top right side on the lock symbol and choose privacy checker.
  • an easy 3 steps to control you privacy first your new posts who can see your posts.
  • second your applications who can see them.
  • 3rd and last your info (email, telephone, birthday)

This was a simple way to control your facebook privacy, safe socializing.